Barton Springs & Edwards Aquifer
    The water quality of the Edward Aquifer is very important in variety of ways. For one, whatever goes into the Aquifer affect the quality of the water. In example the people from San Antonio relies in this water because it is their drinking water. Another reason is that there are endangered animals that live in this aquifer that are only found there, and any sudden change can put these species in danger.

    Our school has a Science Summer Camp program during summer. On this first week of the camp we had an opportunity to go into a cave made out of limestone. This cave surprisingly was the top of the Edwards Aquifer. This lime Stone was very pores, which means it had holes all through it witch allowed the water to flow through it. From the point that we were at if we were to go 250 feet deeper we would have hit water. Inside the Aquifer there were no kind of light except our helmets flashlights or little to no animals that lived there. 

         Building along the Aquifer is restricted because of the harm it can cause to the Aquifer when there’s a lot of dirt of trash created by the construction, it can flow to the Aquifer by streams or sink holes after raining. And as we know there is endangered species that we wouldn’t want them to go extinct. This can also cause the Edwards Aquifer to have poor water quality. Edwards Aquifer also have a recharge zone witch is a very cool thing because it is a where a sink hole that takes in water transfer it the water to a big pocket underground that recharges the Edwards Aquifer. So if you where to build over the recharge zone it would be hard for the Aquifer to recharge.

    The Aquifer is always monitored by monitors that go down onto the Aquifer and measures the level of water. This is how we know whether we have a full Aquifer or an Aquifer that is in danger of running out of water. These monitors are very important because it keep us from using up too much water when the water level is low and warns us when it is safe to continue the usage.

    With Texas population increasing at a rapid paste it is important that we all do something to help our water supply. It is estimated for Texas population to increase in 2060 by 46.3%. Also the water Demand in Texas by 2060 is known to increase by 22% and at that same time the water supply drops by 15.3%.